When I first began in real estate, a mentor taught me the principle of The Shiny Penny, and I have always tried to make it my goal for every single listing that I market. Everybody lives in their home differently, and we understand the concept that how we live in our home is completely distinct from how we market our house.
In any given market, at any given point in time, there may be a ten or more homes for sale in a particular price range and area. Of that number, there are usually two or three that stand out above the rest in cleanliness, upkeep, and a general sense that the home has been well maintained. This has nothing to do with style, it is not focused on the number of bedrooms or baths. For the most part, it is outside of the range of what the Buyer originally thought they wanted to purchase, but you can sense that they are suddenly seriously considering the property.
When a Buyer is serious and motivated, they will generally buy the best of the best that is available at that time in their financial range, the cream of the crop . . . The Shiny Penny. When the time comes to sell your Denver home, make sure that yours is The Shiny Penny. If you would like help in understanding what that would look like in your particular situation, or if you would like access to available resources to help you in accomplishing that task, please do not hesitate to contact me.