When it comes to installing a new shower, it is important to consider some important factors. Even if the plumbing in your bathroom was not initially intended to support a shower, you can still go for shower plumbing. For the sake of this article, it is assumed that you already have purchased rise pipe for this purpose, as per your specific requirements in terms of width and dimension. In this article, you would be able to find out some basic steps on how to install a new shower in your bathroom:

Determine if you are required to apply for any structure or building permits since you are going to make changes to your existing plumbing, and seek any permits that you may require.

Shut off the water supply. You will need to cut the water supply off the whole house.

Open the faucets located anywhere in the bathroom area and let water to flow out from the pipes. This will provide you with a dry work area.

Figure out the location of the existing drain and water pipes in the bathroom. If you have already installed bathtub in your bathroom area, they are most likely going to be somewhere near to that.

Uncover the existing plumbing present in the flooring as well as at the back of the wall by cutting through those regions.

Find out the location of the hot and cold water pipe, and try to reach out to them via pipe-cutting tool or equipment.

Make use of the “t” fitting tool to mark where the water pipe will have to be taken out to house extra pipes you will need to install and cut the section out.

Make sure to smooth and clean the cut ends of the pipe carefully.

Determine the amount of plastic pipe you will require to run water lines from where you plugged in to the water source to the place you need to install the showering plumbing.

Repeat the step seven until you have cut all the pipes that you may need.

Apply the solvent cement onto the fittings as well as the pipe ends with the help of a brush.

Make sure to use a good amount of solvent cement on the pipe ends, and a little less on the fittings. All the surfaces of the fittings and the pipe ends are fully covered. Unite the pipe ends and the fittings.

Now, install drain pipes. Check if you are in compliance with local building codes relating to how much gap should be between vents and p-traps.

Install any required lengths of pipe between drain pipe and where it will connect to the riser pipe.
Install riser pipe by following the instructions manual came with the pipe.

Employ pipe fittings that bend at 90 degree angle to carry the pipe through the wall and out to the location it will join with heat, faucets, and other fixtures.

By following these steps, you will be able to install your new shower without any troubles and major issues.

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