When to schedule A/C unit repair Framingham, MA?

The air conditioner is the major investment that you may consider for your personal and home comfort. Before the summer gets peak, you have to call an A/C unit repair Framingham, MA for overall maintenance and repair of the unit. It is an important step mainly when the system does not have any warranty or is old. The spring and fall are the best months to accomplish air conditioning replacement or services since it ensures that you are set for the arrival of warm weather. 

Why should you hire AC repair experts in the off-season?

Save energy:

When the air conditioner functions as a heat pump (during cold months), it should be inspected before or during fall. This way, you can be prepared for the forthcoming winter months. As you schedule for service, you would know whether it could last or require replacement. If you are having old systems, you may find it challenging to operate the system during extreme summer and extreme winter. It may stop without any signs or fails to function when you switch it on. Do you want to avoid AC emergency services Framingham, MA? Call the experts and schedule for complete AC services. 

Save money: 

The air conditioners will not be in use during spring and fall. So getting it checked during these off-seasons helps in significant savings. The HVAC contractors help in preparing your air conditioner with the latest features and if needed suggest new models. You cannot expect these offers and deals during the summer months. 

Take your time:

If you wait till spring or autumn to call the air conditioning repair Framingham, MA, you will have sufficient time to consider various options since you do not have to hurry to cool your house. Utilize the time by researching various kinds of air conditioning units that are suitable for your comfort and home requirements. Also, make sure to carefully evaluate request estimates and contractors. 

It is the low season:

The HVAC contractors easily get booked during the peak seasons. But during spring and fall, things would get settled down. It means, their schedule would be flexible and there are high chances for you to plan an appointment at hours that are suitable for you. Most contractors permit you to buy the latest air conditioner during the low season and perform installation immediately or on your convenient day. 

Do I have to replace or repair the air conditioner?

If you are in a dilemma of whether to replace or repair your system, here are some factors you should consider. 


Most old air conditioners utilize Freon or R22 refrigerants. The United States Environmental Protection Agency has decided to stop utilizing or making R22 refrigerant as it poses lots of environmental hazards. If there is a refrigerant leak in the air conditioner, fixing or replacing the coolant is expensive. The repair cost is expensive when the leak has caused damage to the compressor. 

Uneven temperatures:

If you are seeing an uneven temperature in the house though you have new air conditioners, then it should be due to leaky ductwork. Uneven temperatures happen when the system is more than ten years old. When you analyze the ductwork it will be in good shape. You need to think about upgrading the air conditioner if you are owning an old system. 


The old air conditioners pressure themselves to maintain the cooling requirements. As a result, it starts to operate inefficiently and becomes noisy. 


The warranty of the air conditioners does not last for a long time. When it expires, you need to call an expert to get AC services. When you have new units, you do not need to spend on repair expenses. The contractor would service for free of cost. 

Constant breakdowns:

Has your air conditioner broken down several times in the last few years? You should consider replacement as repairs would no longer help if the AC is going through serious damage or repair. 

One of the top options to find out whether your AC is fit for replacement or repair is by contacting the Pro Comfort Control technicians. To schedule an appointment with the experts, call 508-684-5368 now. The experts would readily assist you and solve all the doubts you have about AC repair and replacements. 

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