Properties that are eligible under HUD Special Programs are first offered to GNND (Good Neighbor Next Door) and HUD approved Nonprofits and Government entities by Lottery.  Eligible properties located in HUD designated Revitalization Areas and uninsurable properties located in approved purchase areas of an approved nonprofit or government entity are listed for sale for a period of seven (7) calendar days (the Lottery Period).

  • Insured Single Unit Properties within a Revitalization Area – Only bids from GNND participants may be accepted.
  • Uninsured Single Unit Properties within a Revitalization Area – Only bids from GNND participants, qualified nonprofit organizations and government entities whose approved purchase area covers the location of the property, may be accepted.  In the event of competing bids from the aforementioned groups, the order of preference is as follows: (1) potential GNND Program participants; (2) government entities; (3) qualified nonprofit organizations.
  • Uninsured Multi-unit properties within a Revitalization Area – Only bids from approved nonprofit organizations and government entities whose approved purchase area covers the location of the property may be accepted.
  • Uninsured Properties in a non-Revitalization Area – Only bids from approved nonprofit organizations and government entities whose approved purchase area covers the location of the property may be accepted.

Properties not sold during the Lottery Period will be listed for sale on the Exclusive Listing Period.

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